Saturday, December 16, 2017

Bankex is a “Fintech” startup company

hallo guys, this time I will discuss about BANKEX, and this description

Bankex is a “Fintech” startup company combining Bank-As-A-Service, Proof-Of-Asset Protocol, and Blockchain technology to bring you the most secure way to trade, exchange, and buy retail goods. Items like cars, jewelry, real estate, and home furnishings can now be bought with the help of cryptocurrency algorythms! Bankex and other similar companies have now “bridged the gap” between cryptocurrency and retail sales.

Banks are old
All these slow operations and old systems led the way for Bankex to be born - it brings to the market the new financial system that will bring a lot of higher value to people. Bankex started in 2015, with the idea of Fintech innovation lab (FinLab). The first startup that was launched through the lab was KYC Findostavka, a type of Uber for financial curriers where banks can have a representative in the region where it was initiated. Then there was a crowdfunded startup that permitted the secretariat of the loaned companies, currency exchanges and so on. Later, the whole model switched to Bank-as-a-service platform - a product that could be sold to banks or companies. Finally, there was the realization that the best way to sell these products was to offer them as blockchain products.

BankEx developed the Proof-of-Asset Protoco - a solution that addresses and resolves the problem of non-fungible asset liquidity. Every token released within this protocol is 1-to-1 ensured by an asset. The PoAP is in essence a combination of BaaS (Bank-as-a-Service that we mentioned earlier) and blockchain technologies

Visit the official website at and prepare to join the BKX token sale.

For more information, also download the BankEx smart white paper that presents the BankEx Proof-of-Asset protocol of assets tokenization and liquidity. In this document, the practical implementation of the Ethereum based platform is detailed, showing the multitude technical and economical aspects of the protocol. Access the online document here, at

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