Tuesday, July 3, 2018

Intelligent Technology from Stoxum in Cryptocurrency World

 Stoxum is a unique business solution with the help of several companies that can launch their own decentralized crypto / cryptocurrency currencies in just a few clicks.
Stoxum is the world's first exchange platform for crypto / cryptocurrency currencies in which each holder of the STM token becomes a co-owner and can rely on revenues from exchange earnings in proportion to the number of tokens available for ultimately decreased emissions that surely increase the token value where all holders of the STM token is entitled to receive a 100% dividend from the income of the entire Stoxum ecosystem with some advantages

Technical Implementation of Token

Token Stoxum (STM) is the fork of token Ripple which has become the standard for use in the financial sector and ideally meets the challenge of developing.
The standard of Ripple allows producing up to 1500 operations per second and also making full use of the entire ecosystem and infrastructure, which includes electronic wallets and exchanges. Open source code allows to customize the blockchain with the needs of the Stoxum platform.

Purpose and procedure for the use

* Token STM is a component of the Stoxum platform as many actions within the ecosystem of exchange require its use:
* Tokens are “shares” of the platform. Each holder of the token has the right to receive profit from the exchange’s income in accordance with its share.
* Tokens are the currency of commission payment for attracting users at the ICO stage.
* The user must have a security stock of tokens for performing operations such as voting for the addition coin, as well as access to moderation tools in the chat rooms.
* The users, who intend to use White Label, must have a security stock o tokens on their account.

STM acts as an internal currency both for performing the operations necessary for the operation of the Stoxum network: commission, partner payments, dividends, etc. Also it acts as the base currency, which is "shares".

To build a successful economic model, it is necessary to create additional conditions for increasing demand. We expect that such a closed system will serve as a significant catalyst for the cost of the token. The higher the financial performance of the exchange is the higher is the price.

A simple marketing model will help to realize the real benefit of buying a token, creating the illusion of buying a share in the company which makes it possible to make profit on a daily basis.

The task of Stoxum and economic system

The main task of Stoxum is to implement a stable relationship between the platform and users who are holders of the official tokens. Since the holders of tokens receive revenue based on the financial indicators of the project, it is in their interest to exert any efforts to increase liquidity, attract traders and improve functionality.

Stoxum Token Details ( STM )

That is the reason for the making of Stoxum - the foremost exchange of the world's first cryptocurrency hybrid with aggregate liquidity aggregates, in which each STM holder (Stoxum token) is the owner of the stock exchange with the right to receive income. The introduction of Stoxum helps users solve two important issues that are the complexity of the technical implementation of financial products to work with cryptocurrency and liquidity in one exchange.

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